See what we've been up to over the last month and a half at Cain Construction! We've begun framing roof rafters on this custom home. It has certainly been an exciting project working with a videographer using aerial footage in order to document this project in an exciting new way. We are able to use this footage to give you a look into the process it takes in order to bring a custom home from a thought to a reality. We'll continue journaling our way through this amazing custom home, so please follow us and check back for new updates. Framing should be complete next week and then we will begin our work on the inside!
Footing & Pad Construction - Custom Home
At Cain Construction, we look for unique ways to showcase our customer's projects so they can feel involved in every step of the process. We also realize, that most people do not get to experience the thrill of seeing a house rise from the ground to completion. For that reason, we are working on a project to show you exactly what custom home construction entails. We'll be taking aerial video and photography at each stage, as well as using timelapse photography in order to show you a glimpse of the entire process in just a few short videos. Above you'll find the first of the series where we are digging the footing in preparation for underground and construction of foundations.
Check back to see the progression of this custom home over the next couple of months as we make this family's dream a reality.